Saturday, July 14, 2007

Back in the USA

Wow what a trip! We got back last night, well actually very early this morning, after the 14 hour flight from Hong Kong to Newark, NJ, the 5 hour layoverin New Jersey because of a late flight, the 2 plus hour flight from Newark to Atlanta, then the one plus hour drive from Atlanta to home. We are home again finally.I've posted some pictures of our group at the Newark airport. There were two other families from our group on our flight. The babies port of entry was Newark so we went thru immigration with them turned inall the paperwork we so dutifully gathered in China, and they are now US citizens.
Diana and Sarah are still out like lights as I write this. It was along day of travel for all of us, but I'm sure it was hardest on Sarah. She is getting used to new things everyday of her life now. When Susan picked us up at the airport last night, we had to put Sarah into her new carseat, something she had never experienced before, and she cried for the first twenty minutes even with me sitting right next to her trying to comfort her and talking to her. She finally fell asleep and slept the rest of the way home. She is now sleeping soundly in the room we have had prepared for her for over a year.


Peg Cheadle said...

Welcome home, guys! Yeah!!!!!! Sarah is gorgeous and you must be so happy finally to see this dream come to fruition. It's been a long road and I have the feeling NOTHING about this child will be taken for granted : )! Treasure every day. I am so happy for you!

Love, Peg

Rodger said...

Thank you so much Peg, we are indeed treasuring each day.
Love, Rodger